A modified method for the beam tilt-angle estimation of monopole end-fire array mounted on finite ground plane is proposed. In\nthe simplified model, the monopole array and ground plane are approximated to two line sources of transverse and longitudinal\nelectric current, respectively. It is deduced that the beamtilt angle is a function about the length of ground plane in front of array La????,\nthe length of monopole array Lg, and the phase constant ??. After verifying the optimizing principle of monopole end-fire array,\na 10-element monopole Yagi-Uda antenna satisfying Hansen-Woodyard condition is designed and measured for the analysis. By\ncomparison and analysis, the value of ?? is demonstrated to be the key point of the proposed method. And a slow wave monopole\narray is proved to be able to achieve a low beam tilt angle from end-fire with only a short-length ground plane.